Benefits Star Fruit Juice for Health and Beauty

Today the benefits of star fruit juice was more popular among people who embrace a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of star fruit juice is not only used to maintain health. Not a few others that take advantage of star fruit juice as an ingredient mix for beauty treatments.

Star fruit is a type of fruit which has five ribs. This fruit when cut crosswise, it will look like a star shape. Maybe that's why star fruit is also called star fruit.

Star fruit can be grown in the highlands, and in the lowlands. Star fruit is still young, will be light green, and will change color to yellow to red when ripe fruit.

Star fruit is rich in nutrients and minerals. Nutrients contained in the star fruit, among others, vitamin C, provitamin A (karenoid), minerals iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and pectin. Star fruit also contains good fiber to facilitate the digestion process. So that the fruit is good enough to serve as the fruit of supporting your diet program.

Given the many nutrients contained in star fruit, making this fruit has huge benefits for health and beauty. With a thick fruit flesh, yellow, sweet taste fresh, and have a fairly high water content, making the fruit is pretty much demand. Star fruit commonly enjoyed as a piece of fruit, mixed fruit salad, or can be also presented in the form of fresh juice.

Benefits of star fruit juice is very large for the process of healing or prevention of various diseases. Benefits of star fruit juice is also useful to build tissue in the body and fix it if damaged. This will make the body stay healthy naturally.

Here are some of the benefits of star fruit juice for preventing illness and maintaining health, among which are:

  1. As a drug to lower high blood pressure (hypertension).
  2. As an antioxidant and anti cancer.
  3. Increase endurance or stamina.
  4. Preventing and treating canker sores.
  5. Facilitate digestion and constipation.
  6. Lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

For women, of course, the benefits of star fruit juice can be used to treat skin and facial beauty. With the vitamin C content high enough, star fruit juice can be used as an ingredient for face masks. So that makes the skin of the face is always fresh, stay awake elasticity, and make women look younger. Hopefully useful.
READ MORE - Benefits Star Fruit Juice for Health and Beauty

Fruit Tin Helpful Prevent Cancer

Tin fruit (Ficus carica), who is named in the Qur'an in addition to olives, was mentioned by the results of the latest medical research as a useful fruit to prevent cancer.

According to the results of medical research published by the daily Al-Raya, Qatar, Saturday (5/1), a large fruit such as kelengkeng fruit it apart is rich in calcium and potassium enzyaldehyde also contain substances that are useful against cancer cells.

In the fig fruit that tastes sweet it also contains a substance that is essential for human body because it can reduce bad cholesterol, strengthen the heart and normalize breathing for patients with shortness of breath.

The fruit is found in many Arab countries it is also easily digested by means of digestion, useful for treating difficult bowel movements, beneficial to the liver and spleen.

Fruit that tastes sweet as this palm is also more like a regular food because the fruit filling, such as palm so that Arab citizens are rarely put in the list of fruits.

God who created the fruit and fruit Olives Tin contains a scientifically proven benefit that is extraordinary.

READ MORE - Fruit Tin Helpful Prevent Cancer

5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

Let's look at your dressing table. How many bottles of moisturizer, night cream and facial cleanser long you've bought but never touched? This could be due to mistakes that we usually do in shopping for skin care products. So as not to be fooled again, try to check the following list.

The first mistake: trusting the ad.
"This product was shown to whiten skin in just 21 days," read the ad in magazines and television. You also believe in and immediately bought a large bottle. What you forget to do is read the packaging and see what materials contained therein. Is it true that these materials could prove to whiten skin? And if the product is claiming the results are fantastic, make sure there are research results and research are valid.

The second mistake: shopping discount products.
Nothing wrong with buying clothes or shoes at discount season arrives. But for skin care products, wait a minute. Moisturizers famous brand sold only half the price? Be careful, it could be counterfeit goods, or even stock older than three years ago. If the original goods also do not jump to hasty buying frenzy. Make sure the product contains suitable for your skin condition.

The third mistake: taking a risk.
Just as the ad slogan, "Make a child why not try," for the skin you should not be used as the arena trial and error. Do not just try a new product for facial skin if you do not know what is contained therein. Can not get pretty, but acne, allergies, and irritation.

The fourth mistake: buying products that do not match the type of skin.
There is a reason why you need to know what your skin type. Oily, dry, combination, or sensitive? When buying skin care products, buy which is applied to your skin type. If your skin is oily, do not force to buy the product in the form of cream just because the price is cheaper.

The fifth mistake: think expensive = good product.
Not many know, that the price of a brand of beauty products can be very expensive because of promotional costs they incur very large. Most of the funds the company is to pay a celebrity who became a model advertising, fund advertisements in various mass media, to finance promotional road shows around the city. Not much money they spend on research and clinical trials. Once again, the most important thing is not the price tag, but the packaging label that lists any materials contained therein.
READ MORE - 5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

10 Ritual Compulsory Skin to Look Younger

Humans can not escape from old age. But who said we also have to look old? Ten things here are things that must be done regularly if you want the skin look younger.

1. Avoid sun
At least use a sunblock or moisturizer that contains SPF before skin exposure to sunlight. Without protection, the sun will be directly on the skin and causes the free radicals that destroy collagen. This makes the skin so wrinkles.

2. Moisturizers that compulsory
Though your face is oily, moisturizing is still required to prevent skin dehydration. Choose a moisturizer and body lotion to suit your skin type.

3. Sports
Simply work out 4 times a week, with a duration of 20 minutes, the skin will get an extra oxygen supply and circulation so more smoothly. This helps the process of spending the toxins from the skin, and makes skin stay healthy and look young.

4. Wash your face regularly and correctly
Wash your face in the morning and evening. Make sure at night you've washed all the make-up is attached to the face until completely clean. Always dry the face by patted with a towel.

5. Exfoliation
Dead skin on the face should be cast out by using a product Exfoliate. Once a week if your skin is normal, and two weeks if your skin is oily and blemish-prone.

6. White Water
Skin not only need a moisturizer from the outside, but also from within through mineral water. If you currently do not drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water per day, start from now.

7. A time facials
No need to be expensive in the salon. Provide enough time to apply your night cream before bed, but a time to massage face while doing it. Or wear a face mask to suit your skin needs.

8. Healthy Eating
Avoid foods that contain trans fat is commonly found in instant food and ready meals. Expand also eat green vegetables that contain antioxidants.

9. Stay away from cigarettes
You may be able to see the evidence, that women smokers usually look older than non-smokers. Cigarette smoke can damage skin cells and accelerate the aging process.

10. Limit coffee
Caffeine made it harder skin cells absorb water, even if you already drink a gallon of mineral water each day. If you can not get out of coffee, limit your intake just one cup per day.
READ MORE - 10 Ritual Compulsory Skin to Look Younger

Spicy Flavor Can Lower Blood Pressure

Like spicy food? There is good news for fans of spicy food spicy chili peppers and various spices. Not only can you make the body more fresh, sweat and bad effects on the tongue, peppers also have tremendous benefits, especially for people with high blood pressure.

Many people are uncomfortable eating if there's no chili sauce or spicy taste. Despite the soaring price of chili is rising, is still wanted by the fans of chili. There that feels less complete, less passion if you eat chili or spicy flavor with no bite. Not only giving a sense of spicy, chili also has benefits, mampur lowering blood pressure!

Based on the latest research results, spicy foods can help lower high blood pressure. The researchers, Third Military Medical University, discovered the existence of compounds contained in chili known as capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide). Senayawa is able to relax the blood vessels.

In laboratory tests, a rat who suffer from hypertension, given the compound capsaicin, and observed their development. Found a decrease in blood pressure in rodents is lower from time to time.

The findings were published in the journal Cell Metabolism, which shows elements of capsaicin that could trigger an increase in nitric oxide production - gas molecules that have the ability to protect the inflammation of blood vessels.

However, it needs further study needed to determine the amount of chili consumption per day to eat, to get the health benefits. High blood pressure sometimes do not provide clear signs of impending stroke, heart and kidney disorders. Today, heart disease has become the number 1 killer disease in the world.

No harm in eating a spicy chili bite more often, who knows the benefits will be felt in the future. At least more fresh bodies because of sweating and eating so much gusto!
READ MORE - Spicy Flavor Can Lower Blood Pressure

How to Establish Healthy Eating?

Having a healthy physical is the desire of all people. Many ways in which to stay healthy. One of them with the habit of eating healthy foods.As quoted from Sheknows, there are 3 rules of how to establish healthy eating patterns among them:

1. Not tempted by fast food meals
2. Always eat fresh foods and avoid foods instant
3. Eat on time and in accordance with the portion

To complete the formation of a healthy diet, this is the 5 foods that should be avoided to maintain your health:

1. Red meat
Results of research from Harvard University said that the risk increased almost 40% of heart disease and diabetes increased almost 20% are caused by excessive consumption of red meat. So reduce the consumption of sausages, burgers and sandwiches that use red meat from now to avoid unwanted disease.

2. Salad with dressing sauce
Although the salad is often considered a healthful food, but if you eat salad with a mixture of red meat sauce or dressing will remain unhealthy food. Consumption of salad that really is only with a mixture of fresh vegetables. When diligent eating fresh salad, then your body and your heart will remain healthy.

3. Vegetables that have been truncated
To avoid hassle, you often choose vegetables that have been truncated. Did you know that the vegetable pieces have been lost levels of nutrient and flavor changes. You better buy vegetables whole and cut it yourself at home, after that can direct you to the cook.

4. Supplement
Supplements can be bad for your health. Keep in mind, a good diet is not from supplements but rather when you consume all the vitamins contained in food.Supplements are often consumed to help your diet program. But some studies show that getting nutrients from food is more healthful than from a supplement that can cause chronic disease.

5. Carbonated Drinks
Soda is a popular beverage. Right now everybody is almost like soft drinks. Although it feels good, but you must be careful when too much drink. Consuming soft drinks in the long run can be bad for your health such as risk of diabetes and heart disease.
READ MORE - How to Establish Healthy Eating?

Benefits of Cucumbers

Who does not know with this one fruit, cucumber fruit has ever gave me because of trauma to the sense of bitterness that turns out to have benefits for human health, there are a variety of nutrient content in cucumber fruit can provide health benefits for our bodies.

The fruit that we often use as vegetables when our friends enjoy the food with the combustion process such as grilled chicken, grilled fish and so it can be consumed in raw form, besides the fresh cucumber flavor is also delicious prepared as a mixture of vegetables. Cucumbers contain 0.65% protein, 0.1% fat and carbohydrates as much as 2.2%. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. According to the study, Cucumbers also contain 35100-486700 ppm linoleic acid as a tribe which usually contain kukurbitasin Cucurbitaceae, cucumber may also contain these compounds. Kukurbitasin are compounds that have activity as anti-tumor and this can be a preventive of tumor disease attacks against your body.

Well, here are some benefits of cucumber fruit we can get if you regularly consume. Just do not redundant, because all that excess is not good.

- Cucumber seeds contain toxins alkoloid hipoxanti type, which is used to treat children - children who suffer from intestinal worms.

- If you suffer from pain in the throat causing hard to talk (cough) can be treated with cucumber seeds. How: some cucumber seeds mixed with a little salt and dikumur several times a day. This treatment is believed to restore the lost votes due to relief.

- Disease dizziness - dizziness sustainable so that they can lose weight can be overcome by consuming raw or cucumber that has been cooked. In addition, cucumbers can also be used to treat dysentery.

- Cucumbers are also often utilized as a drug of natural beauty. Take the taste of fruit is washed and shredded. Used to compress the fever, affixed to the wounds, burns, stains on the skin spots, acne, oily facial skin clean and reduce the itchy skin.

How, if interested in eating the fruit of this one, I suggest you to consume because of cucumber fruit turns out to have benefits for the health of our bodies.
READ MORE - Benefits of Cucumbers

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