Benefits of Avocado

This fruit is originated from the area where the Aztecs, from Central America and Mexico. The fruit was originally introduced by Martín Fernández de Enciso, head of the Spanish troops in 1519, people in Europe. At the same time, the Spanish troops, who invaded Central America also introduced the cacao, corn and potatoes to the European Community. Since then began to spread and avocado is known by many people in the world.

Benefits of Avocado:

Almost every part of the avocado tree has its advantages. Avocado tree wood as fuel. The seeds and leaves can be used in the apparel industry. Bark can be used to the brown color of its leather products.

In the field of beauty an avocado is often used as a face mask. The fruit is regarded as capable of the skin firmer. Avocados are also for hair care as if it Creambath useful.

Furthermore, such as fruit, avocados are also quite enjoyed as a delicious meal. Various dishes are served with avocado added as part of the shell.

Substance Rich in Avocado Benefits

Avocado has a high nutritional content. Avocado or avocado contain at least 11 vitamins and 14 minerals that are beneficial. Avocados are rich in protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2 otherwise known), niacin (also known as vitamin B3), potassium (or better known as potash), and vitamin C.

Avocado is also very high in fat. But fear not, because the fat in avocados is similar to the fats in olive oil is very healthy. Fat in the avocado contains unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect in the body. The fat in avocados is also used in the manufacture of soaps and cosmetics.

Here are explanations of several substances in avocado or avocado, which are beneficial for our bodies:

Vitamin E and Vitamin A.

Vitamin E is a vitamin, is known to be useful for smoothing the skin. The mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination of vitamin E and vitamin A makes the skin supple, removes wrinkles, makes skin young and fresh.

Potash or Potassium.
Can reduce potassium (also known as potassium) in avocado depression, prevents accumulation of fluid in the body and can lead to lower blood pressure.

Unsaturated Fats.
Vegetables with high fat in avocados is not saturated. Fats are useful for lowering blood cholesterol (LDL), which can precipitate strokes, high blood pressure, prevent cancer or heart disease does. Unsaturated fat in avocados is also easy to digest the body so as to maximize results on the body. Unsaturated fat in avocados also contain anti-bacterial and anti fungal.

Oleic Acid.
Oleic acid is a potent antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. Free radicals in the body leads to various health problems.

Vitamin B6.
This vitamin is believed that the premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual polyposis (PMS), which relates generally to relieve women of every month.

Iron and Copper.
This substance prevents the regeneration of the blood so anemia is required.

Minerals Manganese and Zinc.
This element is useful for high blood pressure, relieve heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.

Healthy Life with Avocados

In some parts of the world, the fruit is regarded as one of the most exotic and rare fruits. Maybe avocado has played an important role in the diet. After feeling a variety of dishes that contain avocado, you can probably say that this fruit is actually a lot of benefits and the delicious fruit!
READ MORE - Benefits of Avocado

Consumption of Healthy Snacks with Nuts

A study that states eating nuts regularly can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

However, do not be too far away for peanuts to snack too much can cause obesity. Thus, consumption of only a handful of nuts every day.

The combination of four large-scale study conducted on 170,000 men and women showed, snacking nuts will reduce the risk of heart attack by 35 percent.

Besides the heart, nuts contain many benefits, including:

1. Fill.
If you want to bring a healthy snack and fill, you can consider the pistachio nuts. In 1 ounce (equivalent to 28.35 grams) 160 calories contained pistachio. Protein content is also sufficiently high so as to satisfy anymore.

2. Contain healthy fats.
Fat contained in nuts is unsaturated fatty acids, fats that are categorized as good for health. Nuts are also recommended as a source of omega 3 from fish.

3. Slimming.
If lean is your goal, try for almond snack. The report, published in the WebMD site mentions, although the same number of calories, almonds have the effect of weight loss.

4. Full of antioxidants.
Savory and sweet flavors became popular peanut reasons. In fact, no less important than the bean is an antioxidant that can prevent heart disease and cancer.
READ MORE - Consumption of Healthy Snacks with Nuts

Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 4


Total Number technique (TNT)

This technique is used to remember numbers. Because the right brain does not know the figures or writing, it needs to be made a story in order to recognize the right brain. For example, you have to remember the number 212,007,217,080,205. You can turn it into a story like Wiro Sableng (212) and James Bond (007), two (2) are following the ceremonies of independence (1708) on the day of national education (0205).
However, not all combinations of numbers are numbers that have been recognized as above. For that, you can create your own story by turning it into code that can be accepted by the right brain that is in code form or sound. You can change the numbers into code form or sound like the following:
Figure Form Code Beep Code
0 Ball Burnt
1 Pole Shoe
2 Duck Old
3 Ear Butter
4 Sailboat Ketupat
5 Potbelly Pomegranate
6   Cigar Planting
Hoe Clothes
8 Glasses Board
9 Racket Road
Code and code of self-created sounds can also fit your creativity. Now you have to remember passwords such as 284 670, can be converted into a sentence:

Given the Form Code

Duck (2) glasses (8) ride a sailboat (4) with right hand holding a cigar (6) and left hand holding a hoe (7) playing ball (0).

Given the Beep Code

Old man (2) buying a board (8) and diamond (4) of the person who was planting (6) clothes (7) Hirst (0).
Considering methods described above are just some examples of techniques that can be used to remember, because there are still other methods. The method given will be encouraged to continue to make you creative in creating a short story and imagining.
Your imagination will be more refined as you add colors in the shadow of your story, adding motion, smell, or anything else that your imagination more exciting. If you can, make a funny story or a story that does not make sense. This will help more remembered.
You can also try to teach it to children. Thus, memorization can be fun for them. It will also be a good exercise for the right brain that can spur creativity and optimize your child's brain.
If you've tried to remember with these methods, store the information in your right brain, the information will not be quickly forgotten and helps optimize brain and helps your memory. Good luck!
READ MORE - Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 4

Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 3


Total Word Technique (TWT)

In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique is often also called mnemonics. After that, the newly created stories to be accepted by the right brain.

For example, when I have to memorize the eight planets from the nearest sun. The sequence is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. If it feels hard to memorize, can be converted into a sentence "Driving a Vespa Not Toys, Judi Urip Friends Risked".

Sentence using some of the letters before or the first syllable of the order of the planet who wants to be remembered. Riding to remember Mercury, Venus Vespa for, not for Earth's, Toys for Mars, Judi to Jupiter, to Saturn's Companions, Urip for Uranus, Neptune Risked for. By imagining the characters and that is being done, you can better remember it.
READ MORE - Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 3

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