Benefits Star Fruit Juice for Health and Beauty

Today the benefits of star fruit juice was more popular among people who embrace a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of star fruit juice is not only used to maintain health. Not a few others that take advantage of star fruit juice as an ingredient mix for beauty treatments.

Star fruit is a type of fruit which has five ribs. This fruit when cut crosswise, it will look like a star shape. Maybe that's why star fruit is also called star fruit.

Star fruit can be grown in the highlands, and in the lowlands. Star fruit is still young, will be light green, and will change color to yellow to red when ripe fruit.

Star fruit is rich in nutrients and minerals. Nutrients contained in the star fruit, among others, vitamin C, provitamin A (karenoid), minerals iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and pectin. Star fruit also contains good fiber to facilitate the digestion process. So that the fruit is good enough to serve as the fruit of supporting your diet program.

Given the many nutrients contained in star fruit, making this fruit has huge benefits for health and beauty. With a thick fruit flesh, yellow, sweet taste fresh, and have a fairly high water content, making the fruit is pretty much demand. Star fruit commonly enjoyed as a piece of fruit, mixed fruit salad, or can be also presented in the form of fresh juice.

Benefits of star fruit juice is very large for the process of healing or prevention of various diseases. Benefits of star fruit juice is also useful to build tissue in the body and fix it if damaged. This will make the body stay healthy naturally.

Here are some of the benefits of star fruit juice for preventing illness and maintaining health, among which are:

  1. As a drug to lower high blood pressure (hypertension).
  2. As an antioxidant and anti cancer.
  3. Increase endurance or stamina.
  4. Preventing and treating canker sores.
  5. Facilitate digestion and constipation.
  6. Lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

For women, of course, the benefits of star fruit juice can be used to treat skin and facial beauty. With the vitamin C content high enough, star fruit juice can be used as an ingredient for face masks. So that makes the skin of the face is always fresh, stay awake elasticity, and make women look younger. Hopefully useful.

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