Benefits of Young Corn

Corn is a culture that is popular in Indonesia. In addition to good to be boiled, baked, or made of popcorn, corn was still young possess remarkable properties. In addition to fruit/meat young corn, Zea has properties, and health.

There are several types of diseases believed that young people are cured by the corn: kidney stones, gallstones, high blood pressure.

Water boiled corn cobs and hair can dissolve kidney stones. In addition, steeping it is also useful for treating gallstone disease, and high blood pressure.

Kidney Stones.
Ingredients: 4 young corn cobs, corn 1 fistful of hair, Keji Beling fresh leaves 8 pieces.
Solutions: all materials are cooked at 110 ml of water. Drink boiled water once a day for 14 days. After stumbling out, or foam beads, pebbles, treatment should cease immediately, and then drinking Jamu and Meniran Cats moustache. Path, take 30 g each of the leaves and leaf meniran, usov cat would be steeped as tea.

Ingredients: 5 young corn corn, fresh herb Cats Whisker 5 grams.
Solutions: all material is heated to 110 ml of water. Drink boiled water once a day for 14 days.

High Blood Pressure.
Ingredients: 5-7, corn ear of maize young 1 fistful of hair.
Solutions: all material is heated to 110 ml of water. Drink boiled water once a day, 7 days.

You should look, silk not too much corn use as a drug, as it can lower blood pressure dramatically in a short time.

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