Acupuncture for Infertility

If you have tried to conceive for at least a year long without success, most doctors they should infertile. You are not alone, infertility affects 6.1 million Americans.

Many couples are using the latest medical technologies, such as turning ovulation-enhancing drugs, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which were collectively known as Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). IVF has led to many pregnancies, but it's not an easy path to choose: it is very complex, very expensive, and most are emotionally difficult. Moreover, the success rate is relatively low. If you want to invest your time and money into art, you want to be sure to give you every possible advantage. Adding acupuncture to significantly increase your chances of success.

If ART is not for you, acupuncture is also (or more) of the value of female and male infertility.

Acupuncture with and without ART
A growing number of studies that show the results are impressive, if acupuncture is combined with the art. A study in April 2002 (Fertility and Sterility) published drew the attention of many specialists: women who embryo transfer after IVF, acupuncture had obtained a success rate of 42.5%, compared the success rate of 26.3% of men without children . Another study, May 2006 (Fertility and Sterility) was published, showed that acupuncture has more than doubled the pregnancy rate of IVF.

Acupuncture has been treating infertility for over 3000 years. Only recently has the Western research on acupuncture for infertility alone started these studies show that acupuncture can ovulation, fertility treatment, stimulating endocrine disorders increase to normalize the blood flow to the uterus and the hormonal communication cycle. It also reduces stress hormones and increases endorphins, both positively on the levels of reproductive hormones.

Many studies also point to the benefits for male infertility: acupuncture increases the number and proportion of sperm-normal form, significantly reduced the amount of anti-sperm and sperm motility increased.

Why does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture relieves stress, and correcting imbalances. It increases circulation, energy and nutrients to organs and glands necessary, they are healthier to work better and communicate more effectively.

Suggested Protocol:
I recommend acupuncture treatments twice a week for 4-6 weeks a month, followed by Chinese herbs combined to the pregnancy. For patients with ART ® asked not to take herbs, I recommend once or twice weekly acupuncture treatments.

For the best chance of success with the art of acupuncture treatment should be three months before the procedure or as many weeks as possible before starting the process to begin.

What do you expect from acupuncture for infertility:
In clinic, I find that acupuncture can:

  1. Regulate menstrual cycles often associated with infertility is an irregular menstrual cycle or endometriosis. With acupuncture and herbs, I saw women with no regular bike start again regularly, women with heavy bleeding in the normal and part and full loads recoveries of endometriosis.
  2. Increase ovulation rate: in connection with irregular menstruation, infertility, some patients do not ovulate regularly. With acupuncture and herbs, was a patient continuously ovulation for 7 months, after more than 12 years of negative values ​​of ovulation!
  3. Increasing the quantity and quality of eggs: After two months of acupuncture and herbs, an IVF patient has produced 15 healthy eggs for extraction - almost twice as the first cycle of IVF without acupuncture, if produced eight eggs.
  4. Another patient, after several miscarriages, was told by her infertility specialist that she could not use their own eggs. In her opinion, her eggs were too poor, she had to do IVF with donor eggs. After 3 months of acupuncture and herbs, she became pregnant naturally, and at the time of this writing, is due to give birth in two weeks.
  5. Increase the chances of implementation: Often in IVF suggests that the embryo transfer process uterine contractions, which make the implementation can be difficult. Acupuncture helps to relax the uterus so that implantation is easier.
  6. Increase the chances of a healthy full-term pregnancy: acupuncture for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is continued strongly recommended to decrease the chance of miscarriage. It is also helpful for morning sickness, fatigue, pain and mood swings.

The journey to overcome infertility is a difficult question. Give yourself every advantage. Whether it is art or not wish to receive, you can be sure that acupuncture can your chances of a successful pregnancy to optimize.

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