
Irritability is a state of extreme sensitivity to any stimulation. Very often people who have sensitivity to stimuli feel stressed, anxious or may easily become angry. Irritability is a kind of signal, that an unpleasant or potentially threatening situations that can not be avoided or resolved in an appropriate way.

Moderate irritability is a common experience fatigue children or adults who work too hard. Lack of sleep also can cause irritated mood. Each type of addiction to alcohol or drugs and withdrawal can trigger a person's irritability.

Other causes could be due to somatic disorders (hyperthyroidism, pain disorders, tinnitus, other chronic disorders or severe medical conditions).

While the psychological causes irritability can include mild forms of adjustment problems or stress and more severe psychiatric problems or other disorders. Some factors which affect, among others; puberty, fatigue, lack of sleep, colds, headaches, premenstrual, diabetes, depression, drugs, or alcohol.


Irritability and offended


Antidepressants may help. But the psychological environment that supports, to minimize a person to not easily angered.

Do not easily angry because anger will make us reckless and could eventually harm ourselves.

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