Benefits of Pare

Pare the fruit of many hear the name alone would have felt scared, not scared because of scary, but it tastes bitter famous. Despite the bitter lot of people who turned out to love to consume them why? Bitter but that's healthy now found the fact that biological experts. Pare who is famous for a bitter taste fruit containing remarkable properties and can cure various diseases.

To recognize and change like pare it turns out it is not difficult, most people are reluctant to eat this fruit because the presentation of the wrong way. For example with a pare of creative ideas can be served or mixed with other materials, such as salted eggs, soy sauce, or soy sauce. This means that cooking vegetables pare based on the presentation of Taiwan. Pare (momordica charantia) or in Mandarin "Khu khu" Khu = bitter is one type of vegetable which grows vines with tendrils spiral. Menjari shaped leaves with yellow flowers and stems are hairy little rough. Surface freckled fruit and taste the bitter fruit. These plants live in a temperate heat, such as Asia, East Africa, South America, and Caribbean Islands.

Fare Types of many known to the public include: 
  • Pare frog: shape oval, short and rather round, dark green, very bitter taste. 
  • Pare gajin or lard: a large oval shape, length. Light green or white, it's not too bitter. 
  • Pare the forest, round shape, very small and most bitter taste. 
Content of substances contained in pare

Apparently behind the bitter taste, pare store a million benefits to human health. The fruit that contains Albiminoid, carbohydrates and dyes. The leaves contain bitter substances, fatty oils, dammar acid, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 and C are contained in pare, serves to keep the skin beauty. If keep the skin damage caused by ultra violet shock. This means pare to prevent the emergence of black spots and wrinkles on the face. While its roots containing acid and acid momordial aleonolat. While the seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid, and momordial acid.

In some countries, mainly Japan, Korea and China. Besides the food, bitter melon is also used for treatment. Levels of calcium in the pare is high, so as to increase production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin. When sufficient insulin in the body, glucose levels flooding buffer may be prevented, so that the levels of glucose in the blood will be normal or be controlled. Phytochemical compounds lutein and lycopene in the pare efficacious as anti-cancer, antibiotic, antiviral, stimulating production of insulin, which balances blood pressure and blood sugar levels, appetite stimulant and repellent intestinal worms. Recently, Professor Lee-Huang of the University of New York also found a remarkable substance in pare, namely anti-HIV-AIDS compounds. This substance called alpha-momorchorin, beta-momorchorin and MAP 30 (Momordica antiviral protein 30). This potent substance found in seeds pare much older. In America alone, the capsule containing the seeds of bitter melon powder is commonly marketed. The drug is recognized to restrain the rate of growth of HIV-AIDS virus. Thanks to pare therapy, the HIV-AIDS in Thailand and the United States seem more clinically healthy and her weight increased. No excessive presumably, if the experts in the medical world is optimistic in the next 10 years, will find drugs to combat HIV-AIDS.

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