That's Why Sports Matter?

Sport is an activity that is very easy to do and have a tremendous benefit. Exercise to maintain a healthy human body, because the human body also needs to move. If the body is rarely moved the body will be prone to various diseases and impaired the body's vital organs.

The human body is designed to be always moving so it is advisable to exercise diligent. But the rush often leaves no spare time to do it. And this is the consequence if you do not ever exercise. 

When the moving body and skeletal muscle, heart rate will increase so that blood and its oxygen and nutrients that are brought well distributed. This mechanism does not occur if the body does not exercise. Disruption of distribution of oxygen in the muscles most affected, which causes a sense of fatigue throughout the body. The muscles will feel stiff when deprived of oxygen, which indeed serves to maintain the flexibility or elasticity of muscle. In addition, the lack of oxygen also causes the brain works is not maximal so easy dizziness and difficulty maintaining concentration. Brain the size of only 2 percent of total body mass was known to be greedy, because the oxygen consumption reached 20 percent of the total whole body. Effects on the nervous system, do not move all day will cause certain parts of the body undergoes a constant pressure throughout the day. The result is a nerve disorder in the region and trigger a variety of minor complaints such as pain and tingling. Does not move and exercise will also affect the distribution of lymphatic fluid. Unlike the blood that has a heart as pemompanya, the spleen is dependent on muscle movement to be distributed to various body tissues. Whereas spleen fluid produced by a gland without channel (ductless) is part of the immune system or immune. The impact was immune to decline, so susceptible to disease, especially if it is flu season. A study conducted by the University of Hong Kong have revealed, the long-term impact from never exercising no less dangerous as smoking. Research conducted in 2004 was called, 20 percent of the cause of death of adults aged 35 years and over is lack of exercise. Risk of cancer in men increased by 45 percent due to never exercise, while in women the increase is smaller that is 28 cent. Risk of respiratory disorders related to lung health also increased by 92 percent in men and 75 percent in women. Quoted from Naturalnews, Wednesday (19/01/2011), heart attack, including an increased risk of long-term if not ever exercise. In men, increases were 52 percent, while in women by 28 percent. If you do not have enough time try to exercise 15 minutes every day like drible ball, running, swimming, jogging. The point is not ill move for bodies.

The characteristics of people never exercise

Although not always give the same effect on everyone, sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise often give special feature on one's appearance. The signs of the most easily recognizable is the body fat and sagged because of excess fat. Lack of exercise also causes a person's face tends to appear lethargic, tired all day and less passionate. Due to lack of exercise also trigger sleep disturbances, in the morning would often complain that people are still sleepy because last night did not sleep soundly. Another feature that could be identified was panting when asked to go up and down stairs or run after a city bus. In addition, if the surrounding lots that got the flu, not long after that person would be contaminated. If it is so, recommend it to more frequent exercise. do sports right now. If you want a cheap sport, just do jogging, your body will become healthy. If you do it regularly, you will feel the amazing benefits. In addition to sport, needs to eat and drink nutritious.

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