Benefits of Cabbage

Judging from the shape of this vegetable looks beautiful and is usually grown in temperate climates are cool. It seems simple vegetables proved to have a price invaluable for health. Cabbage or some call it the cabbage family that is born of various kinds, among which is known for mustard greens, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, kailan, kohlrabi, broccoli salad and water.

All cabbage family contain anti-cancer compounds and a source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and minerals, calcium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium and sulfur. The content of crude fiber in cabbage is very high so as to minimize the risk of stomach and colon cancer.

Excerpted from the results of research in the United States proves that the cabbage is consumed in a raw state or that have been cooked to reduce the occurrence of colon cancer as much as 66%. Another benefit of the cabbage is to prevent and heal the wounds of the stomach, stimulates immunity, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and can prevent infection.

Now keep in mind, in taking any kind of food it should not be excessive, and cabbage. Gynecology goitrins can disturb the balance of iodine in the blood, this can occur in people - certain people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis and stomach bloating. Consuming cabbage will cause excessive gas formation in the stomach. But if the iodine intake of other foods balanced, eating cabbage does not need to worry.

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