Benefits of Garlic

Dr. Yongxiang Zhang of the University of Tokyo, Japan stated that the ability of garlic inhibit deterioration of the brain and the immune system in experimental animals is very impressive. That does not mean that garlic is able to restore youth or completely inhibit the aging process. But at least the benefits of garlic helps prevent the aging process.

In addition, according to research Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, SAMC chemicals found in garlic can inhibit cancer cell growth. By eating garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.

High cholesterol levels are usually a sign of aging. Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels. Anti-cholesterol agent in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.

Dr. Gilles Fillion from the Institute Pasteur in France suspect, garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Obviously with a softer effect. He found that garlic is beneficial to help release serotonin, a chemical that is involved in regulating a wide range of moods and behavior, including anxiety, melancholy, pain, aggression, stress, lack of sleep and memory. High levels of serotonin in the brain tends to function as a sedative to placate you, facilitate sleep, and relieve melancholy. Garlic helps to normalize the serotonin system. 

READ MORE - Benefits of Garlic

Clove as Toothache Medicine

Indonesia is known as one of the spice-producing countries, one of which is a plant cloves. Tropical plant that originated from Maluku are now widely cultivated for its flowers and its oil.

Clove plant can grow well in tropical climates.

Clove oil is widely used by dentists as a painkiller. In addition, this plant is also used in pharmaceutical, food flavoring, and perfumery.

Clove oil (Eugenia aromatica) can be produced from the distillation of dried clove bud powder (clove oil), clove bud stalk powder (clove stem oil), and leaf dry clove (clove leaf oil).

Chemical properties and pharmacological effects of clove is warm, it feels sharp, aromatic, efficacious as a stimulant (stimulant), antiseptic, laxative fart (icarminative), local anesthetic, eliminating colic, and cough medicine. The chemical content of the cloves are carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, fat, protein, and eugenol.

As a traditional medicine has a property deal cloves toothache, sinusitis, nausea and vomiting, bloating, colds, headaches, stomach ulcers, cough, delayed menstruation, rheumatism, measles, and others.

Overcoming dental pain, tooth cavities stuffed with cotton that has been shed with clove oil. Or, 10 grains of cloves roasted until soft, then finely ground, inserted in cavities in moderation, then covered with cotton. Do twice a day.

Eliminate bad breath, 10 grains of cloves washed and brewed with 200 cc of hot water, let stand for five minutes. Then, filtered and the water used to rinse his mouth, do every day on a regular basis.

Overcoming sinusitis, cloves to taste dried, ground to powder and blown into the nose using a straw with a size sufficiently. As a nausea drug, 10 grains of cloves, 20 grams of tamarind and palm sugar boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. Then the mixture is filtered and drunk while warm to two times a day, every time you drink as much as 100 cc.

Overcoming bloating, 10 grains of cloves brewed with hot water and drunk as tea. Alternatively, 5 to 10 grains of cloves inserted in the hollowed pears and wrapped in aluminum foil paper then baked until cooked. Once cooked, remove the clove pear and eaten.

Medicine for colds, 10 drops of clove oil is brewed with 50 cc of hot water, add honey to taste, stirring until evenly distributed then drink while warm. Do 2 to 3 times daily. Medicine for headache, 5 grains of cloves, cinnamon 5 grams, 5 grams of nutmeg, and 5 grains of pepper mashed up into a powder and brewed with 100 cc of hot water, then drink.

Overcoming gastritis, 5 grains of cloves, cinnamon 5 grams, 5 grams of nutmeg, and 5 grains cardamom, mandarin orange peel 15 grams, 150 grams of radish, pumpkin machetes to taste, boiled with 1000 cc of hot water and then drunk. Cough, 10 grains of cloves, 10 pieces of betel leaf, 5 leaves footprint liman, cardamom 3 eggs, 2 cinnamon fingers, and palm sugar boiled with water until the remaining 800 cc 400 cc, filtered and then taken 2 times a day, every time drink as much as 200 cc.

READ MORE - Clove as Toothache Medicine

Benefits of Green Beans

Green beans are a type of plant cultivation and the crops are widely known in tropical regions. Plants belonging to the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae) has many benefits in everyday life as a vegetable source of high protein food. Green beans in Indonesia ranks as the third most important legume crops, after soybean and peanuts.

There are several jenisa foods made ​​from green beans including mung bean porridge, drinks, bakpia, gandasturi and others.

The content available on Green Beans per 100 grams, among others:
- Protein (g) 24.0
- Fat (g) 1.3
- Carbohydrates (g) 56.7
- Calcium (mg) 124
- Phosphorus (mg) 326
- Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.47
- Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.39

Benefits of green beans for health:

Important Nutrients 
Green beans, or Phaseolus aureus comes from the Family Leguminoseae aka legumes. Protein content is high enough and a source of essential minerals, among others, calcium and phosphorus that our bodies need.

High Protein 
Green beans contain high protein, as much as 24%. In the menu of everyday society, nuts are the best alternative source of vegetable protein.

Calcium and phosphorus
The content of calcium and phosphorus in green beans beneficial for strengthening bones.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

  • For the growth. Initially known as vitamin B1 anti beri-beri. 
  • Increase appetite and improve digestive tract. 
  • Source of energy, vitamin B1 is part of a coenzyme that plays an important role in the oxidation of carbohydrates to convert into energy. 
  • Maximizing the nerve first signs of a lack of vitamin B1 is the reduction of the nerve. Disrupted neural activity due to oxidation of carbohydrates inhibited. Research on a group of people who lack sufficient food containing vitamin B1 in a short time the symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate, and less vibrant. This is similar to the signs of stress. 

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 
Helps the absorption of protein in the body One theory suggests that vitamin B2 may help the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.
READ MORE - Benefits of Green Beans

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