Benefits Star Fruit Juice for Health and Beauty

Today the benefits of star fruit juice was more popular among people who embrace a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of star fruit juice is not only used to maintain health. Not a few others that take advantage of star fruit juice as an ingredient mix...
READ MORE - Benefits Star Fruit Juice for Health and Beauty

Fruit Tin Helpful Prevent Cancer

Tin fruit (Ficus carica), who is named in the Qur'an in addition to olives, was mentioned by the results of the latest medical research as a useful fruit to prevent cancer. According to the results of medical research published by the daily Al-Raya,...
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5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

Let's look at your dressing table. How many bottles of moisturizer, night cream and facial cleanser long you've bought but never touched? This could be due to mistakes that we usually do in shopping for skin care products. So as not to be fooled again,...
READ MORE - 5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

10 Ritual Compulsory Skin to Look Younger

Humans can not escape from old age. But who said we also have to look old? Ten things here are things that must be done regularly if you want the skin look younger. 1. Avoid sun At least use a sunblock or moisturizer that contains SPF before skin exposure...
READ MORE - 10 Ritual Compulsory Skin to Look Younger

Spicy Flavor Can Lower Blood Pressure

Like spicy food? There is good news for fans of spicy food spicy chili peppers and various spices. Not only can you make the body more fresh, sweat and bad effects on the tongue, peppers also have tremendous benefits, especially for people with high...
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How to Establish Healthy Eating?

Having a healthy physical is the desire of all people. Many ways in which to stay healthy. One of them with the habit of eating healthy foods.As quoted from Sheknows, there are 3 rules of how to establish healthy eating patterns among them: 1. Not tempted...
READ MORE - How to Establish Healthy Eating?

Benefits of Cucumbers

Who does not know with this one fruit, cucumber fruit has ever gave me because of trauma to the sense of bitterness that turns out to have benefits for human health, there are a variety of nutrient content in cucumber fruit can provide health benefits...
READ MORE - Benefits of Cucumbers

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