Benefits of Papaya

Papaya (carica papaya) is a trunked plants erect and wet. Papaya resemble palms, white flowers and ripe fruit is reddish yellow, tastes like a melon. Papaya tree height can reach 8 to 10 meters with a strong root. Strand leaves resemble human hands....
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Benefits of Pare

Pare the fruit of many hear the name alone would have felt scared, not scared because of scary, but it tastes bitter famous. Despite the bitter lot of people who turned out to love to consume them why? Bitter but that's healthy now found the fact that...
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Health Benefits of Tomato

The tomato is a savory, typically red, edible fruit, as well as the plant (Solanum lycopersicum) which bears it. Originating in South America, the tomato was spread around the world following the Spanish colonization of the Americas, and its many...
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Herb Medicine

The natural mixing of herbs and shrubs into various medicines for different treatment of the diseases has made a remarkable comeback with no side effects or any contingency of a kind. The importance of Ayurveda and herb isn’t just confined to a specific...
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Benefits of Green Tea

Asian people are in the habit of drinking some other kind of tea though – green tea. In Japan, drinking tea is accompanied by a whole ceremony, but the truth about it being so popular there lies in the extraordinarily beneficial properties that it...
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Benefits of Carrots

Carrots Among other types of vegetables, including carrots taste-it's the most popular vegetables. Sweet flavor and crunchy texture. Suitable once used as a healthful snack. If you are not fond of this rabbit's favorite vegetable, you belong to a group...
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Binahong Leaves

 Binahong leaves are very nutritious Some plants to cure diseases. Some leaves are chewed Until soft or cooked with a glass of water and drink along with the waste or more easily in juice or blend. This plant grows wild in the yard, useful for...
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Irritability is a state of extreme sensitivity to any stimulation. Very often people who have sensitivity to stimuli feel stressed, anxious or may easily become angry. Irritability is a kind of signal, that an unpleasant or potentially threatening situations...
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What Happens When We Sleep?

Quiet sleep or non-REM During the sleep cycle we will have 2 kinds of sleep are state of quiet sleep and active sleep state. Quiet sleep often known as NREM sleep or non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement or No. No Fast Eye Movement).As quiet or NREM sleep...
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