Benefits of Avocado

This fruit is originated from the area where the Aztecs, from Central America and Mexico. The fruit was originally introduced by Martín Fernández de Enciso, head of the Spanish troops in 1519, people in Europe. At the same time, the Spanish troops, who...
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Consumption of Healthy Snacks with Nuts

A study that states eating nuts regularly can help prevent cardiovascular disease. However, do not be too far away for peanuts to snack too much can cause obesity. Thus, consumption of only a handful of nuts every day. The combination of four large-scale...
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Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 4

  Total Number technique (TNT) This technique is used to remember numbers. Because the right brain does not know the figures or writing, it needs to be made a story in order to recognize the right brain. For example, you have to remember the...
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Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 3

  Total Word Technique (TWT) In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique...
READ MORE - Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Part 3

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